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Win a set of 10 Yankee Candle wax melts

1 prize to be won!

This selection of 10 Yankee Candle wax melts includes some of Yankee Candle's most popular scented wax melts.

Each wax melt will provide up to 8 hours of fragrance.

They are duitable for all electric and non-electric Yankee Candle wax burners.

Featured fragrances include: Vanilla Cupcake, Clean Cotton, Black Cherry, Fresh Cut Roses, Soft Blanket, Black Coconut, Cinnamon Stick, Mango Peach Salsa, Sicilian Lemon & Baby Powder

Enter now to win this prize!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/09/2024.


Set of 10 Yankee Candle Wax Melts x1