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Win a Lovehoney sex toy worth up to £289

A Womanizer x Lovehoney Pro40 and a Womanizer Duo 2

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Win a state-of-the-art sex toy from Lovehoney worth up to £289! The top prize features one of Lovehoney's bestsellers and fan favourites - the Pro40 - which has been reviewed over 1,600 times with a rating of 4 and a half stars, and the Womanizer Duo 2 - the perfect toy to achieve blended orgasms.

Runners up can also be in with a chance of winning the world-famous Lovehoney Rose, the luxurious Womanizer Premium 2, or the brand-new travel-friendly Womanizer Liberty 2. 

Lovehoney is the UK’s favourite online sex shop. We’re all about creating a welcome and inclusive space for you to discover your sexual happiness. 

At Lovehoney, we provide a curated selection of sex toys, sexy lingerie, condoms, lubricants, and tantalizing gifts that cater to your every desire. With thousands of products in stock, we offer a diverse range to ensure your exploration of pleasure is both exciting and fulfilling, and the journey there is smooth and enjoyable. 

We blend the smart and educational with a touch of fun, with advice and guidance available through our buyers’ guides, forums, product videos, and over 300,000 sex toy reviews. Elevate your intimate moments with us; Discover your sexual happiness at Lovehoney.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/05/2024.


A Womanizer x Lovehoney Pro40 and a Womanizer Duo 2 x1
A Womanizer Premium 2 x1
A Womanizer Liberty 2 x1
A Lovehoney Rose x1