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Win a Razer Huntsman keyboard

1 prize to be won!

Enter for a chance to win the Razer Huntsman Gaming Keyboard with Opto-Mechanical Switches - the ultimate weapon for every gamer seeking lightning-fast responsiveness and unparalleled precision. Designed with meticulous attention to detail, this keyboard takes your gaming experience to new heights, ensuring that every keystroke counts.

Featuring Razer's revolutionary Opto-Mechanical Switches, the Huntsman keyboard combines the best of both worlds. The switches utilize optical technology for near-instant actuation, registering keystrokes at the speed of light. Say goodbye to frustrating delays and enjoy a seamless and responsive typing and gaming experience like never before.

The Huntsman's Opto-Mechanical Switches are not only incredibly fast but also provide a satisfying tactile feel. With a 1.5mm actuation distance, you'll experience rapid execution of commands, giving you the edge in competitive gaming scenarios.

Don't wait around, start entering today! 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/05/2026.


Razer Huntsman Elite x1