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Win an American waffle maker

1 prize to be won!

Enter this competition to win the Global Gourmet American waffle maker, your ticket to a delectable breakfast experience that brings the taste of authentic American waffles right into your home. Whether you're craving fluffy Belgian waffles or crispy classic American waffles, this appliance will deliver mouthwatering results every time.


Featuring a non-stick cooking surface, this waffle maker guarantees effortless release and easy cleanup, so you can spend more time savoring your creation and less time scrubbing the pan. The non-stick coating also ensures that your waffles retain their perfect shape and texture, with each bite offering a delightful blend of crispiness and tenderness.

Equipped with adjustable temperature control, the Global Gourmet Waffle Maker allows you to customize the browning level of your waffles. Whether you prefer golden brown waffles or a slightly darker, more caramelized exterior, you have full control over the cooking process, ensuring your waffles are cooked to perfection every time.


So don't hesitate, enter now! 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 25/05/2026.


Global Gourmet - American Waffle Maker x1