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Win myota's Gut Microbiome Test Kit & consultation!

myota's Gut Microbiome Test Kit

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Howland, FARNHAM

myota's Gut Microbiome Test Kit

Win myota’s Gut Microbiome Test Kit and discover what’s on the inside so you can optimise your health and longevity.

What's included in the prize:

-          1x microbiome kit (worth £219)

-          Full microbiome report & analysis

-          Dietitian consultation (worth £100)

-          Personalised nutritional advice

-          1x month supply of myota (worth £45)

Conventional microbiome tests usually tell you which types of gut bacteria you have. That’s good information. But myota’s Gut Microbiome Test Kit goes a step further.

Your gut bacteria's most important job is to ferment the fibre you eat to produce short-chain-fatty-acids (SCFA's), which are essential for everything from helping us to manage stress & anxiety, to reducing inflammation in the body and strengthening the gut-lining. So what you really want to know is what specific types of fibre your gut bacteria need to produce SCFAs, so you can eat your way to better physical and mental health. 

myota’s patented Gut Microbiome Test Kit is the first and only one that can tell you this.

With our kit you'll learn:

- Which types of gut bacteria you have, how many of each, and how this compares to the general population

- What role these gut bacteria play in managing your health and wellbeing 

- How efficient your gut microbiome is at producing short-chain-fatty-acids (SCFAs)

- What fibre-rich foods you should eat to maximise SCFA production, based on your gut bacteria

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 10/04/2024.


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