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Win a Temple of Incense Blooming Lovely Incense Bundle

Blooming Lovely Gift Set

7 prizes to be won!

Ending in





A celebration of the best floral scents, the Blooming Lovely Gift Set bundle worth over £75, is the perfect way to celebrate the start of the new season and put a spring in your step.

Founders, and sisters, Simi and Sam Aydee, bring their knowledge of incense stick artistry and alchemy to the fore with their original scent combinations. For lovers of all things floral, the Blooming Lovely Gift Set features six of the Temple of Incense luxury floral boxes: Jasmine Blossom, Radha, Indian Rose, Lavender Supreme, Lotus Flower and Kerala Flower. Each box contains 20 luxury incense sticks, ethically hand-crafted with love and consciousness, masterfully created from the best quality oils and resins, sourced locally and from around the world.

As well as the beautiful handmade incense, you will also win a Kashmiri incense bowl with sand to stand the sticks in. Each bowl is meticulously hand-painted with vibrant colour, depicting traditional patterns from Kashmir. The Temple of Incense Blooming Lovely Gift Set bundle comes with a Jute, a plastic-free and chic bag for your everyday essentials.

Revered for centuries, incense sticks are renowned for their therapeutic aromas which can evoke a range of emotions and moods elevating relaxation and spiritual uplift.  The Temple of Incense aromatic preparations range from Oriental, floral and woody scents along with incredible hints of spice and resin to uplifting original scent combinations.

See the full collection at

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 09/05/2024.


Blooming Lovely Gift Set x7