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Win a DNA and Epigenetics Test with coaching

Muhdo Health DNA + Epigenetics Test with Consultation

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Here at at Epic Genetics we are giving away a free Muhdo Health DNA Transform test along an hour’s Zoom consultation session the UK’s best known Epigenetics Coach Tony Pemberton.

With the Muhdo Health app you can find many things from you DNA like your nutritional deficiency risks, response to supplements/food types, as well as certain disease risks.

Also find out genes for: athleticism, skin, longevity, stress, sleep, heart, eyes, plus many more!

Think of DNA like your body’s hardware, with epigenetics being the software. The way your genes express (epigenetics) is much more relevant to your vitality, typically around 80%. So you truly have control over your health outcomes.

By finding out your epigenetic biological age, you can make changes to your lifestyles, and so even reverse that biological age over time. Did you know that having a faster a pace of biological aging can add decades on to your skin, while increasing the risk of many chronic diseases!

Find out about the UK's leading epigenetics coaching service Epic Genetics below:

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 25/05/2024.


Muhdo Health DNA + Epigenetics Test with Consultation x1