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Win a £75 voucher for Cool Crutches & Walking Sticks

A £75 voucher

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Cool Crutches & Walking Sticks are giving away a £75 voucher to four lucky winners. 

With fun and stylish designs plus innovative design features to provide the most comfortable and safe experience for users, Cool Crutches & Walking Sticks’ products prevent painful injuries and frustrating limitations that often come with regular walking supports.

Every Cool Crutch and Walking Stick is designed to be fun and offer users the chance to reflect their personality before their disability or injury. Each product is lightweight, moulded to a left and right hand and offers adjustable heights to maintain a stable and safe walking gait. Customers can choose from a wide range of colours and patterns and they also have the option to create a design of their choice which reflects their personal preferences. They are made to be silent and users also benefit from functional wrist straps and detachable cuffs to prevent the crutches from clicking as they walk or falling to the floor when users open doors.

The company was inspired by the founder’s experiences of using regular crutches following a spinal cord injury from a quad bike accident leaving her with a life-altering long-term disability at the age of 19, with the mission being to establish Cool Crutches as the UK's most innovative and empowering walking aid brand. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/06/2024.


A £75 voucher x4