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Win the Ultimate Mattress Bundle worth £1400

WIN the Ultimate Mattress Bundle

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Calling anyone who needs a better night’s sleep! We have the prize for you.

Panda are giving away their Ultimate Mattress Bundle – containing everything you’ll need to revolutionise the way you sleep.

You’ll have the opportunity to pick out one of their state-of-the-art, memory foam hybrid mattresses - available to customise to whatever size you like. Once you’ve selected that, it’ll arrive straight to your door alongside a mattress protector, pillow, duvet and bedding – everything you’ll need to complete your new bedroom, all made from their signature material - bamboo.

Bamboo fabrics are some of the most luxurious on the market today. They’re designed to be long-lasting, and get softer the more you wash them, meaning your bedroom experience will get more comfortable the longer you own them. They also have a fantastic anti-bacterial property, making mattresses and duvets inhospitable to dustmites and bed bugs.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, or to upgrade your bedspace, enter now for a chance to win!

This incredible bundle includes:

- 1x Hybrid Bamboo Mattress
- 1x Bamboo Mattress Protector
- 1x Hybrid Bamboo Pillow
- 1x Cloud Bamboo Duvet
- 1x 100% Bamboo Bedding
- 1x Bamboo Eye Mask

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/06/2024.


WIN the Ultimate Mattress Bundle x1