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Win a luxury Montpellier - The Travel Collection Kit

Montpellier - The Travel Collection

9 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Montpellier is our Travel Collection Kit - the perfect blend of luxury products, to help you unwind and relax whilst on the go and at your destination. 

This summer's go-to, you'll want this incredible collection of inspired, natural products with you, wherever you get to... 

An inspired collection, the Montpellier features:

Natural Repair Magnesium Oil Spray - Our Bestseller - natural pain relief for ailments like aches, pains and migraines. Great for aiding a good night's sleep

Derma-Tone Face Mist - Aloe and lavender oil day hydration. Removes excess oils and reduces inflammation

Advanced Collagen Lip Gel - Multi-vitamin, aids with the production of sebum, stopping chapped lips in their tracks

Sleep Calming Pillow Mist - For the perfect night's sleep, this aromatherapeutic blend of tranquil lavender and mandarin calms body and mind

Botoxify Stem Cell Lift Moisturiser - With vitamin E and hyaluronic acid, this is an ultra-moisturising cream which reduces the appearance of wrinkles

Our bags are made from recycled materials found on the beach and in the ocean.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/06/2024.


Montpellier - The Travel Collection x9