Meet Our Latest Winners!

We helped these lucky winners win their dream prizes. And if you'd like to read about the BEST EVER wins that PrizeFinder members have had, check out all the fabulous comments on this blog post!

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  • Light a Candle for a Win

    Posted by deboree

    Sunday, January 8, 2023

    I won this gift card with the Wilko's/Glade contest.That's the winning candle behind the gift card.
    There's nothing I like better than winning a gift card. Don't get me wrong, cash is great. But too often it goes towards buying the necessities of life like bills or food, or it just disappears into your bank account.
    But with a gift card, you have to buy something just for you. Although Wilko's gives you plenty of choice to buy practical items that you've been wanting for months, but just haven't got around to buying.
    £100 goes a long way in Wilko's. I've made two trips to the store, and I still have £30 to spend. I've picked up some practical items, extension cords and a plug with two USB ports. But I'm glad to say, that alongside the practical, I treated myself to a lovely holly plant in a metallic red pot. Something that will remind me of my win, when Christmas rolls around again.

  • World Cup Competition

    Posted by Becky1

    Friday, January 6, 2023

    It was a guess who will win the World Cup 2022.
    Everyone seemed to go for England (wishful thinking) I asked my partner in all honesty who did he think would win - if not England like everyone wanted.
    He said Argentina, so I kept that in mind and put them as my answer.
    It won us a 50 inch smart TV.
    My youngest was thrilled when it was delivered, (she felt poorly just before and then made a miraculous recovery) they delivered it the next morning. I wasn't prepared when I answered the door to have 2 men and a massive TV stood there. Definitely made Christmas and made all the time and effort I spend doing comps worth it.

  • Guinness win

    Posted by emmasfabulou

    Monday, January 2, 2023

    We've been watching the pennies, including keeping the heating off, so I had upped my comping to try to win some treats for presents. I'm not usually very lucky with advents, but I won with Guinness on Day 1 of their advent! I was really pleased as my husband loves Guinness, and it came in time to wrap up for Christmas - and have something to keep him warm!

  • Thanks Bauer Media

    Posted by frightenedpuppy

    Sunday, January 1, 2023

    I won a 50" Smart TV with Soundbar & Wireless Subwoofer courtesy of Kiss FM. After a few weeks the prize was delivered by John Lewis as this is where it was ordered by Bauer Media. It came with a years subscription to Discovery+ which my wife is happy about as these are the sort of programmes she likes. It arrived in time for me to watch the World Cup, so happy days. The only downside..... Nobody in my household can enter any Bauer Media comps (and there are a lot!) for 6 months as per their terms & conditions as the prize is worth over £500.

  • CD

    Posted by re_connor

    Saturday, December 31, 2022

    I have been entering hundreds of competitions on this website for months now and have not had a win. But a couple of weeks ago I received an email saying I won a competition of a CD. I had never heard of this singer but I was definitely happy to receive this anyway. It gives me the happiness I need to get me through bad days. I will continue entering as many competitions as I can to try and win anything. I love entering competitions. I have listened to one of the CD's and it is quite good. I will be looking forward to listening to the other CD and try and find other competitions to enter. Hopefully the new year bring new luck

  • Christmas win!

    Posted by bestlisa69@hot…

    Saturday, December 31, 2022

    I was working away a couple of days before Christmas when my phone rang. It wasn't a number I recognised so I answered suspisciously, preparing myself to politely and hurriedly say I wasn't interested and then putting the phone down. But I was instead delighted to discover I'd won a family bundle from Heart Radio including the latest smart speaker with a smart screen, children's smart speaker, 2 smart plugs, robot vacuum, smart kettle and £550 of food vouchers. I was definitely due a win and what better time for a load of free gifts than Christmas?!

    It was even more timely as my wife Bec and I went away for a few days over the festive period to see family and the new smart speaker with a smart screen allowed us to check in on our two cats on our phones during the trip. The screen works as a camera, so they could see and hear us when we logged in and move the screen around to find them in the lounge! That was a nice addition to our friends popping in to feed them every day!

  • Lidl shopping win

    Posted by MrsHeath

    Saturday, December 31, 2022

    Whilst browsing competitions on the prize finder there was a comment about the Lidl app scratch cards. I tried mine and won 18.07 which is fab as it's usually 50p off a granola bar! So thank you for the reminder, as any win is a win, particularly with the cost of living, and I hope the bigger wins come in 2023! I am grateful to prizefinder as I have been dipping in and out of the site for a few years.
    Over the years there have been some lovely voucher wins and prizes for the children. So it's always worth a shot as every little helps. It's motivated me again for the hobby I used to enjoy very much.

  • Creative Instagram Win!

    Posted by Supersonicwoman

    Saturday, December 31, 2022

    Whilst browsing in a local charity shop, I discovered what I instinctively felt was a low entry creative competition being run on social media with the Highland Hospice.

    I resolved to enter it, no matter what, as the closing date was 16th December and I knew that Christmas may be a reason that it would be low entry!

    I was right, and I was the winner! #hhpreloved was the hashtag and my daughter took a photo of me bedecked in Christmas finery purchased from the local Highland Hospice in front of a Christmas tree at our local golf club. I won £100 Town and City Centre Inverness Gift Card which I was told about just before Christmas Eve, and it made me really happy!

    It is always worth searching for low entry comps especially when there are other things like Christmas going on - and if it is a creative one, so much the better! Thank you!

  • Winning treats for my skin!

    Posted by SKnightley

    Saturday, December 31, 2022

    On the run up to Christmas I won a gorgeous set of face and eye serums in an Instagram giveaway. I had decided not to enter all the advent competitions as they felt a bit stressful and had thousands of entries, so I concentrated on the daily Prize Finder ending soon listings, and found that some of these were advent giveaways but with a much lower level of entries which was great. And so I was lucky enough to win this set of face and eye serums worth £100 from one of these listings. I also won a beach towel from an Instagram advent low entry competition too which will be great for our caravan holidays in the summer!

  • Love my new hat

    Posted by doomy

    Friday, December 30, 2022

    Love the advents, though I’m not the most organised.
    This was a facebook win, a lovely fedora worth £99. I’ve wanted a nice fedora for years! Love this gorgeous woollen Sussex style in cinnamon!
    I won it from Rufford’s Country Lifestyle on Facebook!
    From the sixth day of Christmas. I also 2 other advent wins, a £60 Virgin experiences card on the 3rd day and a Petplan cat blanket on the 1st!
    Some of the advents don’t announce winners till January so fingers crossed!
    So next year folks, join in!