Lucky New Year 2014: Jan 1st

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Wed, 2014-01-01 08:02

Every day for the first week of 2014 we're giving away a £10 Amazon voucher - and every time you enter one of our daily comps, you'll also get an entry into our grand prize draw to win £100 CASH!

Today is our first competition and as it's the first day of a brand new year, we'd like to know:
What prize do you MOST want to win in 2014?

To enter today's competition, make sure you're registered with The PrizeFinder and logged in to your account - then leave a comment on this blog post telling us your comping resolution. We have an approval process so your comment won't appear straight away, but as long as you post it before midnight you'll be in the draw!

Don't forget, every entry you make into our daily competitions gives you one entry into the grand prize draw for the £100 cash prize - good luck!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - January 1st daily competition
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and comment on this blog post with their 2014 most-wanted prize
3. There is one prize of a £10 Amazon voucher
4. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 1st January 2014 at 23.59.
5. The winner will be selected at random and informed by email within 7 days of the closing date.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - £100 cash prize draw
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. There is one prize of £100 which will be supplied as a cheque
3. Only one entry per person per daily draw/competition - so a maximum of 7 entries in the grand prize draw per person
4. The winner will be selected at random from all daily entries across the week of competitions and informed by email, Facebook message or Twitter Direct Message within 7 days of the closing date.


Submitted by zoette on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:01


I have already had some lucky wins but this year I hope to enter comps daily to (fingers crossed) try to win a holiday that I could use for my honeymoon in september!

Submitted by marymod on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:12


As we've not had a holiday together for a while, I'd love to win us a family holiday somewhere; that's top of my wishlist this year.

Submitted by kasmum on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:13


I've been comping for years and hardly won a thing, so this year 2014 I'm determined to win a competition, anything would be good but a TV would be better.

Submitted by cerievans1 on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:16


I would love to win some cash because we have been saving for a house for years and it would really be great to go towards a deposit :@)

Submitted by gilbster on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:18


I'd most like to win a foreign holiday this year, or failing that a new sofa as I am getting sick of springs almost digging into me! Happy New Year to everyone

Submitted by dkpcrox on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:22


I most want to win a Biggie! Don't really mind what it is, tv, tablet, laptop, household appliance any of them would be very gratefully received. I've won lots of small things in 2013 but nothing that you could call a biggie! I want to put that right in 2014 if possible, so I'm calling on the comping fairy for help!

Submitted by soots717 on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:26


I would love to win a kitchen. Since we moved into our house 28 years ago we have never been able to afford one and the cupboards are now down to brick walls. One day...........

Submitted by caitlinsmummy on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:37


I would love to win a new bed with some storage underneath and a weekend away. My husband wants me to win him a ps4 lol. My best wins are those I can give as gifts x

Submitted by xlovekillsx on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:37


I would love to win a holiday or an ITV competition so I can prove to my boyfriend that I'm not wasting my time!! Being realistic, I would love to win a baking hamper as I love to bake.

Submitted by cotswoldlass on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:41


The same as last year and the years before . I would love to win a trip to New York. I enter every one I find but never win. Failing that a Kindle would be much appreciated.

Submitted by lovemygirls on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:42


Having moved house at the end of November I really need a new wardrobe so I'd love to win that or something else for the house a new microwave, pots and pans etc An ITV would be ace too :)

Submitted by wedgesnarf on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:45


Last year it would have been a wedding dress or a holiday...well...that's now changed and a nice pushchair (or other baby gear) would be my dream win!! The little sprog is due in April and a lovely new pushchair would be an awesome 2014 win! :-)

Submitted by timmytaylor72 on Wed, 2014-01-01 15:52


I'd love to win an xbox 1 or ps4, as my boy would be over the moon with either of these and we wont be able to afford one until next christmas

Submitted by honeyb11 on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:01


Having got engaged a couple of months ago I'll be entering all the wedding competitions and it would be my dream prize to win a honeymoon somewhere exotic!

Submitted by simontink on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:06


I would love to win some form of holiday or weekend break. Im going to enter them all this year. I retired from work last year so if i win any holidays im availabel to go. Gonna get my case packed ready. Im forever the optimist xx

Submitted by scampidog70 on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:06


Top of my wishlist for 2014 is a holiday or short break for my Mum and Dad because it is their 30th Wedding Anniversary this year!

Submitted by janet101 on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:09


I need a new car as my old one died in November. I could also do with some cash prizes as I have my own house and I am trying to work on getting everything fixed. So money to save for roof work.

Submitted by jkohbk on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:10


I'd love to win some money, enough so that I can replace our broken beds and sofas and finish redecorating my girls bedrooms. Failing that a new laptop would be awesome , or an Xbox one/ ps4. I won't be holdin my breath thou but a girl can dream can't she ??! Lol xx

Submitted by nellenoxin on Wed, 2014-01-01 16:18


This year I want to enter as many different types of competitions as I can - I love the thrill of imagining what I could do with the prizes and get such a buzz when I win even the smallest of prizes. Good luck to all the compers in 2014