The new-look PrizeFinder!

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Thu, 2011-12-01 08:30

It's probably not escaped your attention that The PrizeFinder has had a bit of a makeover this week! As well as a shiny new layout and format for the competition listings, we've made a few other changes too:

New 'Competitions By Category' Menu

The old menu was long and confusing, so we've streamlined it to make it easier to use. Facebook and Twitter have their own sections in the 'Category' menu now, and we've renamed our 'Tie Breakers' section to 'Skill-based' - this is where you'll find slogan, photo, video, recipe and other comps which require a bit of effort.

A smaller 'Competitions By Prize' Menu

As well as renaming several categories, we've combined Fashion, Health and Beauty into 'Fashion & Beauty' and we now have separate 'Music, Games and Film' and 'Tickets and Events' categories rather than just 'Entertainment' and 'Games'. Of course, we still have Miscellaneous for all the random prizes!

The PrizeFinder Blog

As well as looking after the PrizeFinder Facebook and Twitter pages, I'll be blogging regularly about competitions, with tips, advice and links to the best comps around. I'd like to know what topics you'd like me to blog about, so please feel free to comment with any suggestions. I'll be continuing the tradition of the Monthly Wins list by posting a blog on the 1st of the month with my own wins and total, and inviting you to comment with your own wins list.

Removal of Message Board and Chat Room

In recent months, we've noticed that the message board wasn't being used much, and unfortunately, we've been the victim of a lot of spam so we have decided to remove it completely, along with the Chat Room. You will still be able to interact with myself and other members on Facebook, Twitter and the blog, so please don't be shy! I'll be continuing the tradition of the monthly wins round-up here on the PrizeFinder blog, inviting you to post your prize lists as comments. It would be great if you could let us know about your wins over at our Facebook page too!

Add a Competition Button

We've made the Add a Competition button big and bold at the bottom of the menu so it's more obvious to visitors.

Steve and I really hope you enjoy using the new site and we'd love to hear your feedback here on the blog or via our contact form - happy comping!
