The new-look PrizeFinder!

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Thu, 2011-12-01 08:30

It's probably not escaped your attention that The PrizeFinder has had a bit of a makeover this week! As well as a shiny new layout and format for the competition listings, we've made a few other changes too:

New 'Competitions By Category' Menu

The old menu was long and confusing, so we've streamlined it to make it easier to use. Facebook and Twitter have their own sections in the 'Category' menu now, and we've renamed our 'Tie Breakers' section to 'Skill-based' - this is where you'll find slogan, photo, video, recipe and other comps which require a bit of effort.

A smaller 'Competitions By Prize' Menu

As well as renaming several categories, we've combined Fashion, Health and Beauty into 'Fashion & Beauty' and we now have separate 'Music, Games and Film' and 'Tickets and Events' categories rather than just 'Entertainment' and 'Games'. Of course, we still have Miscellaneous for all the random prizes!

The PrizeFinder Blog

As well as looking after the PrizeFinder Facebook and Twitter pages, I'll be blogging regularly about competitions, with tips, advice and links to the best comps around. I'd like to know what topics you'd like me to blog about, so please feel free to comment with any suggestions. I'll be continuing the tradition of the Monthly Wins list by posting a blog on the 1st of the month with my own wins and total, and inviting you to comment with your own wins list.

Removal of Message Board and Chat Room

In recent months, we've noticed that the message board wasn't being used much, and unfortunately, we've been the victim of a lot of spam so we have decided to remove it completely, along with the Chat Room. You will still be able to interact with myself and other members on Facebook, Twitter and the blog, so please don't be shy! I'll be continuing the tradition of the monthly wins round-up here on the PrizeFinder blog, inviting you to post your prize lists as comments. It would be great if you could let us know about your wins over at our Facebook page too!

Add a Competition Button

We've made the Add a Competition button big and bold at the bottom of the menu so it's more obvious to visitors.

Steve and I really hope you enjoy using the new site and we'd love to hear your feedback here on the blog or via our contact form - happy comping!


Submitted by thebrums on Thu, 2011-12-01 07:46


Sorry,don't like new layout,nor do any of my friends.Comps not standing out,too much white on page.Steve always changes things when there is no need,will give it a little go,but will probably switch over to Loquax.

Submitted by lstewart257 on Thu, 2011-12-01 13:41


the comptitions that you have completed dont go pink to say you have done them?

Submitted by kellee on Thu, 2011-12-01 15:31


Hi Steve

Will you be bringing back the feature of colouring out competitons that we have entered (on the new comps date page, the actual comps themselves and on the advent comps) - it is easier to keep track of things that way?

Many Thanks,


Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Thu, 2011-12-01 23:27


Thankyou for all your valuable feedback! We have taken on board all your comments and suggestions, and will be working on a solution as soon as we can. It's important to you - and to us - that the competition prizes in the listings stand out and it's clear which comps you've entered, and we'll do what we can to get it sorted ASAP! It's never a smooth transition when you have a revamp, and we don't want to lose you please bear with us!

Submitted by arthurs on Fri, 2011-12-02 10:49


I agree with the above comments, but would like more contrast
colour showing competitions already entered.
However I shall not be deserting you!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2011-12-02 17:33


Oh boy this is hideous!! Nothing listed where it used to be, can't tell if you've entered or get rid and give us the old system back!

Submitted by carophil on Fri, 2011-12-02 23:47


It seems slicker but finding it much harder to read and need it to change the colour after I have entered a comp.

Submitted by carophil on Fri, 2011-12-02 23:52


Can't see anyone posting winnings. Where are they now? I used to like reading those, they gave me hope! I don't like using two different sites to see pizes and comments.

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Sat, 2011-12-03 17:12

In reply to by carophil


Carophil, we've removed the forum from the site now as it was underused and unfortunately generated a lot of spam. In keeping with the 'Look what I've won!' forum tradition, I'm going to be doing a monthly blog post with a round up of the month's wins, where you can all add your prizes (and total value if you like!) as comments. If you've had a nice win, please pop over and tell us at too!

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Sat, 2011-12-03 17:15


Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts everyone. We are currently working on the issues with the colours and tracking and should be sorted by early next week. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Submitted by JosieS on Sat, 2011-12-03 20:52


As all previous comments - I don't like the look of the site any more. Please change back.

Submitted by marymod on Sat, 2011-12-03 22:07


Previously I could easily see which day's competitions I'd entered on and which had new ones added since my last visit. This doesn't appear anymore, but would be really helpful please to save me entering each day again in order to check.

Submitted by Rainbowwitch on Sun, 2011-12-04 20:34


Im not liking the new look sorry, cannot tell which competition Ive entered unlike previous it used to change colour.
I used to like reading what others have won - now that has gone.
Much prefer the other layout/style

Rainbowwitch, we've started a monthly blog post for people to post their wins ( and you're more than welcome to join in the chat at our Facebook page too, by posting about your wins!

We'll be working on the colour change issues tomorrow and I can assure you it will be sorted ASAP! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Submitted by millymolly on Mon, 2011-12-05 20:50


I entered a number of comps yesterday and have logged back on tonight only to find that they are still showing. The comps are customised to disappear once completed. I know i was logged in yesterday. Could you sort this out please as i could end up entering some twice and getting disqualified? I know that you will have some hiccups with the new site at first but it's so frustrating. I have always loved using this site so please please get it sorted.

Submitted by Matt69 on Tue, 2011-12-06 23:07


At least entered comps are now greying out, which is definitely an improvement - thanks.

However, to see them greyed out you have to refresh the page, and that's a pain. There really wasn't much wrong with the way the site used to work in this regard before the 'upgrade'.

Also, please could the day / date links within the 'New Competitions' and 'Closing Soon' sections be made to change colour after they've been clicked on, as they did previously?

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Wed, 2011-12-07 00:08


To keep you updated, we still have a few problems with the site and are working hard to get these resolved! We're taking note of all your suggestions and we hope to get these issues fixed as soon as we can.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2011-12-11 10:46


there is nowhere for me to register on this site. I go to the log on screen and asks me to log on but there is nowhere for me to register. Am i being really stupid or is that not available at the moment.

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Mon, 2011-12-12 08:59

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


We're currently amending the registration process so unfortunately it's temporarily unavailable. We'll let you know as soon as it's up and running again!

Submitted by lil_devil on Mon, 2011-12-12 19:41


Have to say i'm liking the new look. I didnt like the old one as too much changed. I used to use the feature where you could put website in that you dont use and they wouldnt show on your list. Is there any chance of getting something like that back?

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Thu, 2011-12-15 21:29


Suehan, we're still having trouble with the competition tracker but on the New Competitions page your visited links should now turn grey.

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Mon, 2011-12-19 16:06


The competition tracker is now working Epworth, and when you click the link 'viewed' will immediately appear. Hopefully this should make navigating the listings easier for you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 2012-01-23 18:20


still not highlighting when competition is entered, really frustrating as i can't keep track of where i am. used to enter loads of comps on this site but only a couple at at time now. i thought this problem was going to be resolved!!!