WIN £50 National Garden Gift Voucher with National Gardening Week (CLOSED)

Submitted by tpf_kirsty on Mon, 2015-04-13 07:05

Hello everyone!  How was your weekend, any nice wins to report?  Couple of small ones here since last week, - 2 x Body Shop face masks from a Comper 2 Comper comp on Facebook, and a Little Book of Care from the Care+ Facebook instant win.  All the little wins are what keep us going aren’t they – keep our mojo up until we get that next big win.  What has been your favourite win so far this year?  Mine is probably the vouchers I won from the photo comp with Kiss FM - £100 of iTunes and £25 of Starbucks, all come in very handy!

If you have little ones are they back to school today – are you relieved or sad that they have gone?  Mixed feelings as always here, I love having them home and spending time as a family, but it is really very difficult trying to keep working and juggling everything else when they are here.  Still, weather has been lovely the last few weeks and we have managed to get out on a few nice outings together as a family, and visited my family on the Mainland at the end of last week too.  Be the summer holiday before we know it - argh!

Do you like to get outside in the garden when the weather is nice?  We aren’t lucky enough to have a garden where we are at the moment, but it is the main criteria for the next house we move into!  I love getting outdoors in the spring, just watching the kids play or having a big BBQ.  Did you know it is National Gardening Week this week (13 – 19 April 2015), so what better reason to get outside and do some weeding, organising for the summer or just enjoying the fact that it isn’t raining non-stop!  To celebrate The PrizeFinder is giving all our wonderful members the opportunity to win a £50 National Garden Gift Voucher!  You could stock up on seeds and plants, buy yourself some shiny new tools, or put it towards some nice new garden furniture - how would you spend yours?  To enter this exclusive competition all we want you to do is tell us your favourite flower in the comments box below.  Mine would probably be tulips, although I am very fond of roses too – timelessly elegant, and never fail to cheer me up. 

You need to be a registered member of The PrizeFinder to enter this comp, one entry per person and please remember that comments are moderated and so won’t appear immediately.  Entries close for this comp at 23:59 on Sunday 19th April 2015 – good luck to you all!

Happy comping everyone, and lots of Lucky dust to you all!

Kirsty x


Terms and Conditions

  • The prize is £50 of National Garden Gift Vouchers
  • The closing date for entries is 23:59 on Sunday 19th April 2014.
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and logged in to their account
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with their favourite flower
  • 1 winner will be chosen at random from all entries
  • Only one entry per person
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected


Submitted by Dianic on Sun, 2015-04-19 17:37


My favourite for the garden is clematis - any kind - I love their rambling nature and their abundant flowers. Cut flowers would have to be freesias for their scent.

Submitted by lyndseybruce on Sun, 2015-04-19 17:48


My favourite flowers are carnations. I love the smell and they last for absolutely ages so you get value for money too! :-)

Submitted by michwg on Sun, 2015-04-19 17:50


I love roses because there are so many colours and scents, they look beautiful in the garden as well as in a vase.

Submitted by sammoo on Sun, 2015-04-19 18:16


My favourite flower is a fragrant pink rose because they look and smell amazing and are not too difficult to grow!

Submitted by sonseyface on Sun, 2015-04-19 18:32


Daffodils - They are one of the first splashes of colour that appear in gardens showing that winter is over and warmer days are on the way.

Submitted by MrsHeath on Sun, 2015-04-19 19:32


I love all flowers but I am fond of my wedding flowers provided to me in Greece, of Hot Pink (fuschia) Gebras and get them now on every wedding anniversary xx

Submitted by susaq on Sun, 2015-04-19 19:54


i love red geraniums in terracotta pots, it makes me think i am in the med. lol. x

Submitted by lemoncakeuk on Sun, 2015-04-19 20:14


Would have to be Sweet Peas, the last conversation I had with my big sis was about Edward & Sophie's wedding and so at her funeral I laid sweet peas all up the Aisle it smelt and looked amazing.
I grow them every year now and their beauty is awe inspiring :)

What a lovely comp! :)

Submitted by Diane Wood on Sun, 2015-04-19 20:30


so many choices! I love flowers, from tulips, daffs and crocuses that herald the arrival of spring, to fuchsias in autumn and cyclamen in winter but my favourite are pink and purple osteospermums

Submitted by wendywhisson on Sun, 2015-04-19 21:02


I love all flowers and shrubs, but for their unique shaped flowers, my favourite has to be the bleeding heart, Dicentra:- its perfect form makes your heart bleed!

Submitted by rebecca@thebri… on Sun, 2015-04-19 21:54


My favourite flower is a forget-me-not - they are just so delicate and pretty and yet can be found everywhere growing wild like weeds or in nicely kept gardens. I love how they can come up either blue or sometimes a pinky purple colour depending on soil acidity I'm guessing.

Submitted by Sinah25 on Sun, 2015-04-19 22:09


I love poppies - I have several colours in my cottage garden and they thrive and look gorgeous