Lucky New Year: Jan 1st

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Tue, 2013-01-01 07:22

Every day for the first week of 2013 we're giving away a £10 Amazon voucher - and every time you enter one of our daily comps, you'll also get an entry into our grand prize draw to win a fabulous KINDLE FIRE HD!

Today is our first competition and as it's the first day of a brand new year, we'd like to know what your comping resolution is. Here are some ideas:

• Registering for Pinterest or Instagram
• Trying some creative competitions
• Setting up Google Alerts to find competitions for your dream prizes
• Visiting the 'new competitions' section daily on the PrizeFinder - instead of the 'closing soon' one!
• Making home-made postcards for postal entry competitions
• Starting a spreadsheet to record your wins
• Subscribing to a new magazine (how about Compers News?!)
• Listening to the radio and texting/calling in for on-air comps
• Applying for TV gameshows
• Entering more text competitions

To enter today's competition, make sure you're registered with The PrizeFinder and logged in to your account - then leave a comment on this post telling us your comping resolution. We have an approval process so your comment won't appear straight away, but as long as you post it before midnight you'll be in the draw!

Don't forget, every entry you make into our daily competitions gives you one entry into the grand prize draw for a Kindle Fire HD!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - January 1st daily competition
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and comment on this blog post with their comping related resolution
3. There is one prize of a £10 Amazon voucher
4. The closing date for entries is Tuesday 1 January 2013 at 23.59.
5. The winner will be selected at random and informed by email within 7 days of the closing date.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Kindle Fire HD prize draw
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. There is one prize of a Kindle Fire HD
3. Only one entry per person per daily draw - so a maximum of 7 entries in the grand prize draw per person
4. The winner will be selected at random from all daily entries across the week of competitions and informed by email or Twitter Direct Message within 7 days of the closing date.


Submitted by blondejess1978 on Tue, 2013-01-01 12:43


I would like to spend less time entering comps for things I don't really want or need and focussing on comps for things that would come in handy like kitchen equiptment

Submitted by compy99 on Tue, 2013-01-01 12:50


my resolution is to try to not stress so much over them, I am organized and enter approx 450 per day, but still find myself staying up later and getting up earlier - shame I need to sleep really!

Submitted by marymod on Tue, 2013-01-01 12:56


I am going to get organised and do comps to a plan rather than whiling away the whole evening on them and getting side-tracked so often.

Should mean I still enter the same, but have more time for other things if I knuckle down to it.

Submitted by Bunney225 on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:09


I am going to start my day with a few comps whilst checking my morning e-mails but most of all I am going to get back into photography competitions and embrace my work for the entries.

Submitted by RuthDunkin on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:15


My cousin is expecting a baby in May, so my resolution is to enter lots of baby comps and TRY and not tell her if I win, then (hopefully!) surprise her with them once baby is born! - would be fab if there was enough for a little hamper of stuff so fingers crossed x

Submitted by tan1 on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:20


to be more organised..moving away from being an end dater (found this early so im keeping it already) and not to let the comping blues take over...we all know what i mean that time when we lose our mojo..

Submitted by tinytina on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:28


I am pretty new to all of this so I am still finding my way around facebook competitions but have been amazed at the amount of prizes I have won in general. I have't let you know on your site yet as I don't know how to download a photo so I guess that will be another resolution. I love the Prize Finder Site and visit every day and I will keep trying out new ways of entering - it's all trial and error but I expect I will get the hang of it eventually. Happy 2013

Submitted by pashbi on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:29


I am going to be more selective when entering comps. That way I have a chance of winning items I really want and giving others a chance to win what they want...

Submitted by mary_morstan on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:29


I've been avoiding having a Twitter account (it took me ages to open a Facebook account!) but as more and more comps seem to be available to Twitter users only - I'm going to get myself one - gulp!

Submitted by jkiss on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:37


I'll remember how nerve wracking some of my prize wins have been and I'll think twice about entering - but in reality I know I'll go right ahead and enter those with once in a lifetime prizes and enjoy every minute of them when I win :)

Submitted by emmacella on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:41


my new years resolution is to be more organized with the house and saving money.To enter more competitions that require skill rather than just sending an email address and to steer clear of voteing comps Happy New year everyone

Submitted by msfriendly on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:45


I'm not going to be so 'selfish' about competitions... I do tend to keep quiet if I find a low entry comp. Not this year, whoever will win will win!

Submitted by glittery on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:47


Enter more competitions and hopefully win. Also continue to email a "thank you" when I have won a competition prize. I'm always grateful for any prize I win no matter how small.

Submitted by smeebee on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:47


To work smarter instead of harder, entering easier to win competitions more often, only going for high entry comps if I REALLY REALLY want the prize.

Submitted by debbieo on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:56


I am definately going to do more creative comps instead of the rubbish like and share comps on facebook that i never win on..COuld be using my time alot better and choosing the comps i want to win rather than doing every single one.

Submitted by wittykate on Tue, 2013-01-01 14:09


I may have to delve into the dark world of Facebook. I've tried to resist thus far, but more and more comps are on Facebook now it seems.

Happy new year all and good luck!

Submitted by abie021202 on Tue, 2013-01-01 14:09


I used to do lots of postal comps and it was through this route that I won lots of amazing prizes over the years. The price of stamps doesn't help but I'm going to get back to PPE and PC entry competitions as I've only done a handful this year (I used to do at least 40-50 a month and the wins reflected this).

Submitted by angelkell on Tue, 2013-01-01 14:10


I am going to try and enter more comps that require more effort than just putting your details in as I usually just pass on those, like the tiebreakers or photo comps

Submitted by hayleydeakin on Tue, 2013-01-01 14:26


My comping resolution is to enter more dailies as i don't enter all of them as i think i should spend more of my time entering the 'bigger' prize competitions, when most the time its the dailies that i win on and the small wins spur me on to free up more time to enter the general ones.